This novel is grimy and gritty and unforgettable. It is the story of two brothers, Jonah and Simon, who are leaving home in search of their older brother, or maybe their dad, or maybe anyone who can help them figure it all out. They are picked up in a beautiful car by a strange and dangerous young man and a beautiful young girl.
The road trip quickly becomes dangerous and violent and the boys will soon have to figure out who they can trust during this journey.
This is a beautiful story of self discovery, trust, love, and the incredible bond between brothers. It may take an improbable path to get there, but these two young boys must figure out how important it is to love one another and know that they must always have each others back.
If you have every read and enjoyed anything by the amazing Andrew Smith, you will love this one just as much.
From Amazon:
Two brothers leave home looking for their
father, and find themselves hitching a ride with a violent killer – here
is a road trip from hell.
Jonah and his younger brother, Simon, are on their own. They set out to find what's left of their family, carrying between them ten dollars, a backpack full of dirty clothes, a notebook, and a stack of letters from their brother, who is serving a tour in Vietnam. And soon into their journey, they have a ride. With a man and a beautiful girl who may be in love with Jonah. Or Simon. Or both of them.
The man is crazy. The girl is desperate. This violent ride is only just beginning. And it will leave the brothers taking cover from hard truths about loyalty, love, and survival that crash into their lives.
One more thing: The brothers have a gun. They're going to need it.
Jonah and his younger brother, Simon, are on their own. They set out to find what's left of their family, carrying between them ten dollars, a backpack full of dirty clothes, a notebook, and a stack of letters from their brother, who is serving a tour in Vietnam. And soon into their journey, they have a ride. With a man and a beautiful girl who may be in love with Jonah. Or Simon. Or both of them.
The man is crazy. The girl is desperate. This violent ride is only just beginning. And it will leave the brothers taking cover from hard truths about loyalty, love, and survival that crash into their lives.
One more thing: The brothers have a gun. They're going to need it.
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