The Disturbed Girl's Dictionary by Nonieqa Ramos is a heartbreaking story that will pull at your heartstrings as you desperately wish to take these characters in to your own home in order to protect them.
It is the story of Macy, a girl who has been labeled as "disturbed" by her school. But who wouldn't be disturbed if you had to live the life that she does. From dealing with a mother who has no idea how to be a mother, to a father in jail, to a little brother who has been taken away by CPS, to trying to protect your best friends, it is a hard life to live. But Macy does her best in trying to not let these things define her. She finds hope in knowing that she has room to grow and become the person she knows she is destined to become, someone much greater than the lot she has been given.
From Amazon:
Macy's school officially classifies her as "disturbed," but Macy isn't
interested in how others define her. She's got more pressing problems:
her mom can't move off the couch, her dad's in prison, her brother's
been kidnapped by Child Protective Services, and now her best friend
isn't speaking to her. Writing in a dictionary format, Macy explains the
world in her own terms, complete with gritty characters and outrageous
endeavors. With an honesty that's both hilarious and fearsome, slowly
Macy reveals why she acts out, why she can't tell her incarcerated
father that her mom's cheating on him, and why her best friend needs
protection . . . the kind of protection that involves Macy's machete.
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