In the Wild Light is the story of Cash Pruitt, a young man growing up in small town Tennessee. He has faced his share of tragedy already, with the passing of his mom from an opioid addiction and the slow on-coming death of his grandfather from emphysema. But his best friend, Delaney, has recently made a big scientific discovery and has received a scholarship offer from one of the best prep schools in the country. But she's not going if Cash can't come with her. After much deliberation and hesitation, he agrees to join her at Middleford Academy. When he struggles to adjust to a school he doesn't feel he belongs in, the support around him continues to grow. From new friends to incredible teachers to his grandfather who's health is continuing to decline, Cash starts to find a place where he can not only survive, but one where he can grow and thrive. In Jeff Zentner's beautiful writing, we see the story of a boy who not only finds where he fits in, but discovers a way to blaze a trail along the way.
From Amazon:
From the award-winning author of The Serpent King comes a beautiful examination of grief, found family, and young love.
in a small Appalachian town is not easy. Cash lost his mother to an
opioid addiction and his Papaw is dying slowly from emphysema. Dodging
drug dealers and watching out for his best friend, Delaney, is second
nature. He's been spending his summer mowing lawns while she works at
Dairy Queen.
But when Delaney manages to secure both of them
full rides to an elite prep school in Connecticut, Cash will have to
grapple with his need to protect and love Delaney, and his love for the
grandparents who saved him and the town he would have to leave behind.
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