Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Booked by Kwame Alexander

Wow!!!  This was such a beautiful read.  Kwame Alexander followed up The Crossover with Booked and it doesn't disappoint.  Just like its predecessor, this is all in verse.  The language is beautiful and just takes your breath away at times.  I HIGHLY recommend this read!

"Hey April,
I finished the book.
the beginning
was a little slow
but the ending was tight.
The poems
were cool.
The best ones were
like bombs,
and when all the right words
came together
it was like an explosion."

From Amazon:

Like lightning/you strike/fast and free/legs zoom/down field/eyes fixed/on the checkered ball/on the goal/ten yards to go/can’t nobody stop you/
can’t nobody cop you…

In this follow-up to the Newbery-winning novel THE CROSSOVER, soccer, family, love, and friendship, take center stage as twelve-year-old Nick learns the power of words as he wrestles with problems at home, stands up to a bully, and tries to impress the girl of his dreams. Helping him along are his best friend and sometimes teammate Coby, and The Mac, a rapping librarian who gives Nick inspiring books to read. 

This electric and heartfelt novel-in-verse by poet Kwame Alexander bends and breaks as it captures all the thrills and setbacks, action and emotion of a World Cup match!

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